Archive for the 'GifCam' category

GifCam 3.1

Dec 16 2013 Published by under GifCam

GifCam 3.1 is one bug fix update, it is actually one line of code I forgot to write,
this missing line cause the yoyo feature not adding yoyo delays to yoyo frames instead it adds 0 ms delay to all yoyo frames:


Although I don’t think it worth to change the version number, but I changed it to 3.1 :) for distinguishing the bug version, sorry about that.



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Draw Green Screen Feature

Dec 15 2013 Published by under GifCam, Gifs

“Draw Green Screen” is one of my favourite feature in GifCam 3.0, with this feature you can create part moving part still “cinemagraph” gif. To make this feature works nicely, find a scene where the camera is stable no zoom, pan or shaking camera, delete unwanted frames then start drawing (over the still part wanted area) on the second frame (Drawing on first frame makes a transparent background gif).
”Draw Green Screen” works with “Show Green Screen” so you can show the  actual represent pixels of your drawn green screen.

Here are some gifs I created using Draw Green Screen feature:
also you can use this feature to reduce gif size by widen the green screen area.







19 responses so far

GifCam 3.0

Dec 07 2013 Published by under GifCam


GifCam 3.0 is here :)

4 responses so far

GifCam 2.0

Jun 03 2013 Published by under GifCam


GifCam 2.0 is here :)

37 responses so far

GifCam (Delay, Add Text and UI)

May 21 2013 Published by under GifCam

Here are another GifCam latest completed features

A new way to adjust frames delay

By dragging the delay label (each pixel = 0.01 second)
Shift + dragging will add/remove delays to/from all frames (0.03 second is the minimum delay)


Also, I think I will keep the old way of adjusting frames delay, maybe some nice people find it hard to move the mouse a distance of one pixel. maybe a keyboard shortcut for that would be good.

Add text

with Add text you can write some text in one line or more, set the frames range, position the text , align it left/center/right , add shadow and change the font with the native Windows font dialog.







I moved New/Open/FPS/Capture_Cursor options to the Rec button, I don’t like the Rec button with an arrow but it makes sense to move these options from the save button :)


More to come :)

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